Submission #1831361

Source Code Expand

/+ dub.sdl:
    name "A"
    dependency "dcomp" version=">=0.8.0"

import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.range, std.conv;
// import, dcomp.scanner;

// import dcomp.modint;
alias Mint = ModInt!(10^^9 + 7);

int main() {
    Scanner sc = new Scanner(stdin);

    int n;;
    int[][] g = new int[][n];
    foreach (i; 1..n) {
        int p;; p--;
        g[p] ~= i;

    int[] sz = new int[n];
    Mint[4][][] dp = new Mint[4][][n];
    void dfs(int p) {
        sz[p] = 1;        
        foreach (d; g[p]) {
            sz[p] += sz[d];
        dp[p] = new Mint[4][](sz[p]+1);
        auto ndp = dp[p];
        ndp[0][0] = Mint(1);
        int msz = 1;
        foreach (d; g[p]) {
            foreach_reverse (kl; 0..msz+sz[d]+1) {
                foreach_reverse (fg; 0..4) {
                    Mint sm = 0;
                    foreach_reverse (k; 0..min(kl+1, msz+1)) {
                        auto l = kl-k;
                        if (sz[d] < l) break;
                        foreach_reverse (f; 0..4) {
                            if (~fg & f) continue;
                            auto g = fg^f;
                            sm += ndp[k][f] * dp[d][l][g];
                    ndp[kl][fg] = sm;
            msz += sz[d];
//        writeln("fl ", p, " ", ndp);
        foreach_reverse (i;[p]+1) {
            ndp[i][0] += ndp[i][1] + ndp[i][2] + ndp[i][3];
            if (i) ndp[i][1] = ndp[i-1][1] + ndp[i-1][0];
            else ndp[i][1] = Mint(0);
            if (i) ndp[i][2] = ndp[i-1][2] + ndp[i-1][0];
            else ndp[i][2] = Mint(0);
            ndp[i][3] = Mint(0);
//    writeln(!(x =>!string).join("\n"));

    auto fact = factTable!Mint(10000);
    Mint ans = 0;
    foreach (i; 0..n+1) {
        Mint freq = (i % 2) ? Mint(-1) : Mint(1);
        ans += freq * dp[0][i][0] * fact[n-i];
    return 0;
/* IMPORT /home/yosupo/Program/dcomp/source/dcomp/modint.d */
// module dcomp.modint;

// import dcomp.numeric.primitive;

struct ModInt(uint MD) if (MD < int.max) {
    import std.conv : to;
    uint v;
    this(int v) {this(long(v));}
    this(long v) {this.v = (v%MD+MD)%MD;}
    static auto normS(uint x) {return (x<MD)?x:x-MD;}
    static auto make(uint x) {ModInt m; m.v = x; return m;}
    auto opBinary(string op:"+")(ModInt r) const {return make(normS(v+r.v));}
    auto opBinary(string op:"-")(ModInt r) const {return make(normS(v+MD-r.v));}
    auto opBinary(string op:"*")(ModInt r) const {return make((ulong(v)*r.v%MD).to!uint);}
    auto opBinary(string op:"/")(ModInt r) const {return this*inv(r);}
    auto opOpAssign(string op)(ModInt r) {return mixin ("this=this"~op~"r");}
    static ModInt inv(ModInt x) {return ModInt(extGcd!int(x.v, MD)[0]);}
    string toString() const {return!string;}



struct DModInt(string name) {
    import std.conv : to;
    static uint MD;
    uint v;
    this(int v) {this(long(v));}
    this(long v) {this.v = ((v%MD+MD)%MD).to!uint;}
    static auto normS(uint x) {return (x<MD)?x:x-MD;}
    static auto make(uint x) {DModInt m; m.MD = MD; m.v = x; return m;}
    auto opBinary(string op:"+")(DModInt r) const {return make(normS(v+r.v));}
    auto opBinary(string op:"-")(DModInt r) const {return make(normS(v+MD-r.v));}
    auto opBinary(string op:"*")(DModInt r) const {return make((ulong(v)*r.v%MD).to!uint);}
    auto opBinary(string op:"/")(DModInt r) const {return this*inv(r);}
    auto opOpAssign(string op)(DModInt r) {return mixin ("this=this"~op~"r");}
    static DModInt inv(DModInt x) {
        return DModInt(extGcd!int(x.v, MD)[0]);
    string toString() {return!string;}



template isModInt(T) {
    const isModInt =
        is(T : ModInt!MD, uint MD) || is(S : DModInt!S, string s);

T[] factTable(T)(size_t length) if (isModInt!T) {
    import std.range : take, recurrence;
    import std.array : array;
    return T(1).recurrence!((a, n) => a[n-1]*T(n)).take(length).array;

T[] invFactTable(T)(size_t length) if (isModInt!T) {
    import std.algorithm : map, reduce;
    import std.range : take, recurrence, iota;
    import std.array : array;
    auto res = new T[length];
    res[$-1] = T(1) / iota(1, length).map!T.reduce!"a*b";
    foreach_reverse (i, v; res[0..$-1]) {
        res[i] = res[i+1] * T(i+1);
    return res;

T[] invTable(T)(size_t length) if (isModInt!T) {
    auto f = factTable!T(length);
    auto invf = invFactTable!T(length);
    auto res = new T[length];
    foreach (i; 1..length) {
        res[i] = invf[i] * f[i-1];
    return res;

/* IMPORT /home/yosupo/Program/dcomp/source/dcomp/numeric/primitive.d */
// module dcomp.numeric.primitive;

import std.traits;
import std.bigint;

Unqual!T pow(T, U)(T x, U n)
if (!isFloatingPoint!T && (isIntegral!U || is(U == BigInt))) {
    return pow(x, n, T(1));

Unqual!T pow(T, U, V)(T x, U n, V e)
if ((isIntegral!U || is(U == BigInt)) && is(Unqual!T == Unqual!V)) {
    Unqual!T b = x, v = e;
    Unqual!U m = n;
    while (m) {
        if (m & 1) v *= b;
        b *= b;
        m /= 2;
    return v;


T powMod(T, U, V)(T x, U n, V md)
if (isIntegral!U || is(U == BigInt)) {
    T r = T(1);
    while (n) {
        if (n & 1) r = (r*x)%md;
        x = (x*x)%md;
        n >>= 1;
    return r % md;

ulong ulongPowMod(U)(ulong x, U n, ulong md)
if (isIntegral!U || is(U == BigInt)) {
//     import dcomp.int128;
    x %= md;
    ulong r = 1;
    while (n) {
        if (n & 1) {
            r = mul128(r, x).mod128(md);
        x = mul128(x, x).mod128(md);
        n >>= 1;
    return r % md;

T lcm(T)(in T a, in T b) {
    import std.numeric : gcd;
    return a / gcd(a,b) * b;


T[3] extGcd(T)(in T a, in T b) 
if (!isIntegral!T || isSigned!T)  
    if (b==0) {
        return [T(1), T(0), a];
    } else {
        auto e = extGcd(b, a%b);
        return [e[1], e[0]-a/b*e[1], e[2]];

/* IMPORT /home/yosupo/Program/dcomp/source/dcomp/container/stackpayload.d */
// module dcomp.container.stackpayload;

struct StackPayload(T, size_t MIN = 4) {
    import core.exception : RangeError;
    import std.algorithm : max;
    import std.conv;
    import std.range.primitives : ElementEncodingType;
    import core.stdc.string : memcpy;

    private T* _data;
    private uint len, cap;
    bool empty() const { return len == 0; }
    @property size_t length() const { return len; }
    alias opDollar = length;

    ref inout(T) opIndex(size_t i) inout { return _data[i]; }
    ref inout(T) front() inout { return _data[0]; }
    ref inout(T) back() inout { assert(len); return _data[len-1]; }
    void reserve(size_t nlen) {
        import core.memory : GC;
        if (nlen <= cap) return;
        void* nx = GC.malloc(nlen * T.sizeof);

        cap =!uint;
        if (len) memcpy(nx, _data, len * T.sizeof);
        _data = cast(T*)(nx);
    void free() {
        import core.memory : GC;;
    void opOpAssign(string op : "~")(T item) {
        if (len == cap) {
            reserve(max(MIN, cap*2));
        _data[len++] = item;
    void insertBack(T item) {
        this ~= item;
    void removeBack() {
    void clear() {
        len = 0;
    inout(T)[] data() inout {
        return (_data) ? _data[0..len] : null;

    static struct RangeT(A) {
        import std.traits : CopyTypeQualifiers;
        alias E = CopyTypeQualifiers!(A, T);
        A *p;
        size_t a, b;
        @property bool empty() const { return b <= a; }
        @property size_t length() const { return b-a; }
        @property RangeT save() { return RangeT(p, a, b); }
        @property RangeT!(const A) save() const {
            return typeof(return)(p, a, b);
        alias opDollar = length;
        @property ref inout(E) front() inout { return (*p)[a]; }
        @property ref inout(E) back() inout { return (*p)[b-1]; }
        void popFront() {
            version(assert) if (empty) throw new RangeError();
        void popBack() {
            version(assert) if (empty) throw new RangeError();
        ref inout(E) opIndex(size_t i) inout { return (*p)[i]; }
        RangeT opSlice() { return; }
        RangeT opSlice(size_t i, size_t j) {
            version(assert) if (i > j || a + j > b) throw new RangeError();
            return typeof(return)(p, a+i, a+j);
        RangeT!(const A) opSlice() const { return; }
        RangeT!(const A) opSlice(size_t i, size_t j) const {
            version(assert) if (i > j || a + j > b) throw new RangeError();
            return typeof(return)(p, a+i, a+j);
    alias Range = RangeT!(StackPayload!T);
    alias ConstRange = RangeT!(const StackPayload!T);
    alias ImmutableRange = RangeT!(immutable StackPayload!T);

/* IMPORT /home/yosupo/Program/dcomp/source/dcomp/ldc/inline.d */
// module dcomp.ldc.inline;

version(LDC) {
        R inlineIR(string s, R, P...)(P);
/* IMPORT /home/yosupo/Program/dcomp/source/dcomp/scanner.d */
// module dcomp.scanner;

// import dcomp.container.stackpayload;

class Scanner {
    import std.stdio : File;
    import std.conv : to;
    import std.range : front, popFront, array, ElementType;
    import std.array : split;
    import std.traits : isSomeChar, isStaticArray, isArray; 
    import std.algorithm : map;
    File f;
    this(File f) {
        this.f = f;
    char[512] lineBuf;
    char[] line;
    private bool succW() {
        import std.range.primitives : empty, front, popFront;
        import std.ascii : isWhite;
        while (!line.empty && line.front.isWhite) {
        return !line.empty;
    private bool succ() {
        import std.range.primitives : empty, front, popFront;
        import std.ascii : isWhite;
        while (true) {
            while (!line.empty && line.front.isWhite) {
            if (!line.empty) break;
            line = lineBuf[];
            if (!line.length) return false;
        return true;

    private bool readSingle(T)(ref T x) {
        import std.algorithm : findSplitBefore;
        import std.string : strip;
        import std.conv : parse;
        if (!succ()) return false;
        static if (isArray!T) {
            alias E = ElementType!T;
            static if (isSomeChar!E) {
                auto r = line.findSplitBefore(" ");
                x = r[0].strip.dup;
                line = r[1];
            } else static if (isStaticArray!T) {
                foreach (i; 0..T.length) {
                    bool f = succW();
                    x[i] = line.parse!E;
            } else {
                StackPayload!E buf;
                while (succW()) {
                    buf ~= line.parse!E;
                x =;
        } else {
            x = line.parse!T;
        return true;
    int read(T, Args...)(ref T x, auto ref Args args) {
        if (!readSingle(x)) return 0;
        static if (args.length == 0) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return 1 + read(args);


/* IMPORT /home/yosupo/Program/dcomp/source/dcomp/foundation.d */
// module;

static if (__VERSION__ <= 2070) {
    Copied by
    Copyright: Andrei Alexandrescu 2008-.
    License: $(HTTP, Boost License 1.0).
    template fold(fun...) if (fun.length >= 1) {
        auto fold(R, S...)(R r, S seed) {
            import std.algorithm : reduce;
            static if (S.length < 2) {
                return reduce!fun(seed, r);
            } else {
                import std.typecons : tuple;
                return reduce!fun(tuple(seed), r);

import core.bitop : popcnt;
static if (!__traits(compiles, popcnt(ulong.max))) {
    public import core.bitop : popcnt;
    int popcnt(ulong v) {
        return popcnt(cast(uint)(v)) + popcnt(cast(uint)(v>>32));

bool poppar(ulong v) {
    v^=v>>1; v^=v>>2;
    return ((v>>60) & 1) != 0;

T[N] fixed(T, size_t N)(T[N] a) {return a;}


/* IMPORT /home/yosupo/Program/dcomp/source/dcomp/int128.d */

// module dcomp.int128;

version(LDC) {
//     import dcomp.ldc.inline;

version(LDC) version(X86_64) {
    version = LDC_IR;

ulong[2] mul128(ulong a, ulong b) {
    ulong[2] res;
    version(LDC_IR) {
        ulong upper, lower;
            %r0 = zext i64 %0 to i128 
            %r1 = zext i64 %1 to i128
            %r2 = mul i128 %r1, %r0
            %r3 = trunc i128 %r2 to i64
            %r4 = lshr i128 %r2, 64
            %r5 = trunc i128 %r4 to i64
            store i64 %r3, i64* %2
            store i64 %r5, i64* %3`, void)(a, b, &lower, &upper);
        return [lower, upper];
    } else version(D_InlineAsm_X86_64) {
        ulong upper, lower;
        asm {
            mov RAX, a;
            mul b;
            mov lower, RAX;
            mov upper, RDX;
        return [lower, upper];
    } else {
        ulong B = 2UL^^32;
        ulong[2] a2 = [a % B, a / B];
        ulong[2] b2 = [b % B, b / B];
        ulong[4] c;
        foreach (i; 0..2) {
            foreach (j; 0..2) {
                c[i+j] += a2[i] * b2[j] % B;
                c[i+j+1] += a2[i] * b2[j] / B;
        foreach (i; 0..3) {
            c[i+1] += c[i] / B;
            c[i] %= B;
        return [c[0] + c[1] * B, c[2] + c[3] * B];


ulong div128(ulong[2] a, ulong b) {
    version(LDC_IR) {
        return inlineIR!(`
            %r0 = zext i64 %0 to i128
            %r1 = zext i64 %1 to i128
            %r2 = shl i128 %r1, 64
            %r3 = add i128 %r0, %r2
            %r4 = zext i64 %2 to i128
            %r5 = udiv i128 %r3, %r4
            %r6 = trunc i128 %r5 to i64
            ret i64 %r6`,ulong)(a[0], a[1], b);
    } else version(D_InlineAsm_X86_64) {
        ulong upper = a[1], lower = a[0];
        ulong res;
        asm {
            mov RDX, upper;
            mov RAX, lower;
            div b;
            mov res, RAX;
        return res;
    } else {
        if (b == 1) return a[0];
        while (!(b & (1UL << 63))) {
            a[1] <<= 1;
            if (a[0] & (1UL << 63)) a[1] |= 1;
            a[0] <<= 1;
            b <<= 1;
        ulong ans = 0;
        foreach (i; 0..64) {
            bool up = (a[1] & (1UL << 63)) != 0;
            a[1] <<= 1;
            if (a[0] & (1UL << 63)) a[1] |= 1;
            a[0] <<= 1;

            ans <<= 1;
            if (up || b <= a[1]) {
                a[1] -= b;
        return ans;

ulong mod128(ulong[2] a, ulong b) {
    version(D_InlineAsm_X86_64) {
        ulong upper = a[1], lower = a[0];
        ulong res;
        asm {
            mov RDX, upper;
            mov RAX, lower;
            div b;
            mov res, RDX;
        return res;
    } else {
        return a[0] - div128(a, b) * b;


This source code generated by dcomp and include dcomp's source code.
dcomp's Copyright: Copyright (c) 2016- Kohei Morita. (
dcomp's License: MIT License(

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task A - Awkward
User yosupo
Language D (LDC 0.17.0)
Score 1000
Code Size 16677 Byte
Status AC
Exec Time 290 ms
Memory 35836 KB

Compile Error

warning: Linking two modules of different data layouts: '<string>' is '' whereas './Main.d' is 'e-m:e-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128'

warning: Linking two modules of different data layouts: '<string>' is '' whereas './Main.d' is 'e-m:e-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128'

Judge Result

Set Name Sample All
Score / Max Score 0 / 0 1000 / 1000
AC × 4
AC × 55
Set Name Test Cases
Sample a01, a02, a03, a04
All a01, a02, a03, a04, b05, b06, b07, b08, b09, b10, b11, b12, b13, b14, b15, b16, b17, b18, b19, b20, b21, b22, b23, b24, b25, b26, b27, b28, b29, b30, b31, b32, b33, b34, b35, b36, b37, b38, b39, b40, b41, b42, b43, b44, b45, b46, b47, b48, b49, b50, b51, b52, b53, b54, b55
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
a01 AC 1 ms 380 KB
a02 AC 1 ms 320 KB
a03 AC 1 ms 380 KB
a04 AC 1 ms 380 KB
b05 AC 1 ms 320 KB
b06 AC 269 ms 508 KB
b07 AC 290 ms 35836 KB
b08 AC 128 ms 1020 KB
b09 AC 128 ms 764 KB
b10 AC 129 ms 764 KB
b11 AC 130 ms 636 KB
b12 AC 132 ms 636 KB
b13 AC 165 ms 636 KB
b14 AC 269 ms 636 KB
b15 AC 128 ms 1020 KB
b16 AC 34 ms 508 KB
b17 AC 2 ms 380 KB
b18 AC 1 ms 2300 KB
b19 AC 128 ms 892 KB
b20 AC 128 ms 764 KB
b21 AC 128 ms 764 KB
b22 AC 129 ms 892 KB
b23 AC 138 ms 636 KB
b24 AC 130 ms 764 KB
b25 AC 142 ms 3196 KB
b26 AC 269 ms 508 KB
b27 AC 182 ms 11260 KB
b28 AC 268 ms 508 KB
b29 AC 251 ms 28156 KB
b30 AC 251 ms 26748 KB
b31 AC 213 ms 18940 KB
b32 AC 285 ms 34428 KB
b33 AC 128 ms 1020 KB
b34 AC 133 ms 4476 KB
b35 AC 133 ms 2428 KB
b36 AC 129 ms 764 KB
b37 AC 131 ms 764 KB
b38 AC 129 ms 1020 KB
b39 AC 129 ms 1020 KB
b40 AC 128 ms 892 KB
b41 AC 129 ms 892 KB
b42 AC 131 ms 764 KB
b43 AC 131 ms 764 KB
b44 AC 132 ms 892 KB
b45 AC 277 ms 33404 KB
b46 AC 285 ms 35324 KB
b47 AC 289 ms 35580 KB
b48 AC 290 ms 35708 KB
b49 AC 289 ms 35708 KB
b50 AC 262 ms 508 KB
b51 AC 268 ms 508 KB
b52 AC 269 ms 508 KB
b53 AC 269 ms 508 KB
b54 AC 269 ms 508 KB
b55 AC 205 ms 18556 KB